7 Tips To Combating Exam Stress

7 Tips To Combating Exam Stress

After all the hard work and attending classes, the final test of your learning will be exams. When that time comes, you may develop goosebumps and approach the exam with low confidence. Other students fail because they developed high exam stress levels and couldn’t be able to answer questions adequately despite having been taught properly.

Exam related stress can highly affect your overall performance and negatively impact your future career inspiration. However, you may use various strategies to approach the exams without stress and perform your best. This article will share some effective study techniques and self-care practices to help you avoid exam stress.

Keep reading.

1- Prepare and Plan Early

Early planning will help you stay organized and reduce exam stress. Start by creating a study plan that breaks down your study and revision time into manageable tasks. Allocate specific time for each subject and for a specific topic. Use your study time wisely by prioritizing subjects that need more attention based on the difficulty of the content. Use tools such as study planners, calendars, or digital apps to keep track of time.

2- Study Smart

Preparing for exams doesn’t mean reading your class notes every day from page one to the last. It means understanding the content in a manner that you can comprehend and answer questions. Breaking down your study content is the first step towards having manageable tasks and avoiding the feeling of being overworked. Instead of trying to memorize large content, divide your study and aim to understand one topic or concept at a time. By breaking down your study sessions into smaller tasks, you will be able to handle challenging areas at a time.

3- Use Effective Revision Techniques

Your study and revision approach has to be strategic and effective in order to deliver good results. Effective techniques can help you retain what you have learnt and improve your exam performance. Try different study methods, such as active recall, spaced repetition, and elaborate rehearsal, and adapt the one that works best for you.

Experience how questions are phrased and practice answering them as you are supposed to and within the time allocated. Various exam test banks are available online, offering students a series of mock exams they can purchase. They help you revise challenging questions to reinforce learning, test your understanding of specific learning areas, and boost your confidence going into exams.

4- Take Breaks Between Studies

Spending many study hours and having no room for personal recreation or rest won’t make you perform better. Instead, that will only increase your fatigue levels, which may lead to stress and a loss of focus. Taking breaks, resting, and engaging in physical exercise like walking or playing games are important. These activities will help you maintain focus, increase productivity, and improve your health during exam season. Hence, in your schedule, allocate time for your body and mind to rest to prevent burnout.

5- Learn to Maintain Composure

Developing ways to relax during exam sessions can help reduce stress and promote a sense of calm and confidence during exam season. In your daily routine, practice deep breathing exercises and muscle relaxation to remove tension and anxiety. Join relaxation groups at the school or community clubs for activities like yoga, meditation, or tai chi that cultivate a sense of inner peace and tranquillity.

6- Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is necessary for managing stress and improving your performance during exams. Regular physical activity boosts mood, energy, and memory function. As part of your daily schedule, including exercises such as sports can revitalize your body systems. Additionally, eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins to fuel your body and keep you away from the doctor during the exam season. Also, keep hydrated by drinking enough water during the day, especially on hot days.

7- Seek Help and Support

Exams are challenging no matter how hard you have studied or revised for them. In order to make sure that you are on the right track, dont walk alone in this important journey of your life. Your parents and teachers are very key in helping you pass your exams. They have the capacity and the passion to see you succeed. If you need any help, do not hesitate to reach out to them. You also have classmates with a common goal with whom you can form study groups for support and encouragement during exam preparation.


Passing your exams is the ultimate goal of every academic year you spend in school. The result shapes your destiny in terms of further education and career choice. Although managing to keep exam stress at bay is not easy, with the right strategies and support, you can minimize the risk of freaking out during exams. If you do that, you are assured of performing better in your exams and achieving your academic goals. Most importantly, I need to practice with test exams, read smart, and get support from parents, teachers, and peers.

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